Tuesday, May 9, 2023

 Good afternoon, This will be a quick one today, I’m just dropping in to say Hello and I hope your day is going well. 

AAs if Ms. Kate didn’t have enough going on in her life, last evening she had an upper tooth break off. One whole side of it is gone. Of course it was past dentist hours and luckily it did not cause her any pain. But that meant that we had to try to get her into the dentist sometime today. So, I got up early and called the dentist office and yes, she can get in today at 1500 hours. The next hurdle though was that she has to take antibiotics 2-3 hours before she has a dental appointment. So I reminded the dentist office folks of that and they said they would call her prescription in as soon as the pharmacy opened; —- which they did. 

I got a text from Walgreens at 0900 that her prescription was ready for pick up, so I showered, and went down to get her meds, went by the Donut Bank for some “Tiger tail” donuts, then to the grocery store to get some heavy cream and some Creme brûlée and then home. So, she’s had her antibiotics and we will be leaving for the dentist office in twenty minutes. In the meantime, I’ve been out weed whacking in the back yard and flower bed. It’s still pretty wet out there though from yesterday’s 1.5 inches of rain. 

So there youo are —- my life in a couple of paragraphs. I hope your day is fully blessed. Peace. 

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