Monday, May 15, 2023

 Good morning from my new “morning spot”. I’m sitting here in the parking lot of the Chancellor Oncology center. Ms. Kate’s appointment starts at 0900 and she just went in. It takes her a few minutes to get into her treatment gown and stuff. When she is ready, they will have her get on the table and put her in the position that they need her in, then the actual radiation treatment doesn’t take that long. So, we’ll be out of here in about 30 minutes. 

The morning is beautiful. It is sunny and 64 degrees with just a nice hint of a five mph breeze. We had some rain again last night which is good because I don’t have to water my plants again today. We have been under weather/rain threats all weekend but had very little at out house. The garden was starting to dry out, so a bit of rain is good. I think I saw that we are expecting more today and maybe even tomorrow and Wednesday. 

Hmmm, I wasn’t too smart, I should have brought my cup of coffee with me. Oh well, we’ll go to breakfast from here. I’ve had one cup today and I guess I can hold on to life without a second cup for another thirty minutes or so. LOL

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. Julies and Jim and the pupperonies came over. Saturday we had a nice meal for dinner of Swiss steaks, homegrown corn, and mashed potatoes. So yesterday for lunch, I did the cooking so Ms. Kate didn’t have to. Of course I went simple; waffles and sausage patties. I make good waffles but it is only because I use a really good waffles mix; — Krusteaze. I’ve used that for several years now for both my pancakes and waffles. They come out very light and airy. 

Church attendance wasn’t too bad yesterday. We had visitors who came to have Mother’s Day with their mom and we had members who were absent, I assume because they went to have Mother’s Day with their moms elsewhere. It’s all good. Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered, there too am I”. So, we worship with who ever shows up and give thanks and praise for being able to spread the word of God regardless of the number of people who are there to hear it. 

I guess today I will concentrate on writing although I have an area in my garage that I want to tackle and maybe clean up some. We extend our “pantry” out into the garage shelves and floor and I’m sure there is stuff there that we have forgotten we had and is maybe even expired. I want to go through that stuff and throw what is expired and make it easier to tell what we have and what we need. Then, I will head to the basement and maybe get started on some writing or at least start gathering sources for my next Pentecost Day service. One would think that after doing this for twenty years, I could just pop something out —- but nope, —- gotta do some research and try to find something fresh.

Okay, that’s it because my favorite patient is along down the sidewalk. Peace. 

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