Saturday, April 10, 2021

 A rainy Saturday morning; well kind of. It has quit for now and what we had was very light and pleasant. It’s warm outside and the air is still, making it very pleasant. The rain was light enough that I went out and dumped out the birdbath and cleaned it and refilled it. Between the tree flower petals blowing in the breeze and the silly birds pooping in their bird bath/water dish, it gets yucky pretty quick. But now they have some fresh water again. I have to admit though that they don’t seem to care one way or another. It can be filthy and they still get in there and take a bath and drink out of it. Gross. 

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting here trying to take a quick nap when suddenly there was a loud crash against my glass door. It startled the heck out of me. A huge hawk flew in and snatched a mockingbird off of a feeder and in the process the two of them hit my glass. It didn’t phase the hawk. It flew about ten yards out in the yard and ate the mockingbird. There was nothing left but some feathers. But, that happens around here once in a while. I’m used to finding a bunch of feathers of one variety or another laying out there. I used to blame the stray cats that sometime come through the yard, but when they catch one of my birds they quickly carry it off and hide to eat it. The hawk I had yesterday was one of the biggest I have seen here. 

I finished my service and sermon including the slides for April 25th yesterday. It’s hard to imagine that I’m going to start working on May services next. We’re almost at the middle of April. The great thing is that every day that goes by gets us one day closer to our Family reunion in Branson , Missouri. We all only get together every couple of years and it gets harder to do every time what with the grandkids all being grown now and having lives and jobs of their own. It means so much to Ms. Kate and I that they all look forward to our reunions and they do their best to schedule their vacations and work and school schedules around our vacation dates. Families that all live within a single area probably don’t really appreciate the blessing they have. But I hope they do. 

Ms. Kate and I are going up to the church today. Jacob and Trent got the cable run for the new camera system for our service filming. I am very excited about it, We’ve been a year getting to this point, In the meantime we have been using our phones or IPads to do our taping. It works well sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t. This new camera was part of the purchase from the technology grant that we got from the Lilly Corporation. We got almost $5K from them and have put another almost $5k with it for a matching grant. The congregation seems to really like the big screens etc that we have been putting in. This should be the final stage. Any way, today the guys are going to be trying out location to mount the camera. We’ll be no help of course but we will get our “nosey button” pushed. LOL

I reckon that is enough for today. I made a pan of cinnamon rolls and I need to refill my coffee cup and eat one or two. Have yourself a blessed day. Tomorrow is a day of worship and I hope that you will take the opportunity to do so. Peace my friends. 

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