Thursday, April 8, 2021

 Wow, — no sunshine this morning. But I think there is hope for some yet today. My cousin Debbie, over in southern Illinois posts a picture of her sunrise most days and posted one today. We generally get the same weather as she does, just a couple of hours later. But, it is comfortable outside, 60 degrees and very little wind. I went out to the street and pulled my garbage can back up to the house in case it does rain. The lid was open and I didn’t want it to collect water. It has rained at some point during the night and the sidewalks are still slightly wet.  Accuweather forecasts another round coming in around 1300. 

The Backyard Buffet is fairly empty this morning. I’ve only had a few guests but I can hear birdsong in the trees around the yard and neighborhood. Every once in a while one or two will dash in and grab a bite and then take off. I have a pair of cardinals that are frequent visitors. It is neat to watch them. They are obviously a mated pair. He watches over her and even feeds her. 

Ms. Kate and I got the bulletins run yesterday after I took her for her bloodwork. Then we went out for lunch at a place called “Big Bang”. It is a Mongolian BBQ place and we go there several time a year usually, but have not been there since the start of COVID. The meal is always good. 

I went down to work on some writing and discovered that I wasn’t near as far along with my work as I thought I was. I thought I already had everything ready for the 18th of April but found out that I had not finished the sermon I had started no had I completed the bulletin. So —- I finish up all of that and then started on the 25th. I have the worship service done now for the 25th and I have a plan for my sermon for that day. I guess that with the extra two services last week, I lost track of where I was. But, I’m back on track now, or at least I think I am. 

I’m very disappointed with my garden so far. My lettuce came up, barely, and then hasn’t done anything. My radishes are way too thick but I knew they would be and I’ll have to thin them out. My potatoes are doing good though. They came up, and I pulled more dirt over them and they have now pushed through that layer and are looking really healthy. I had some okra seeds left from last year and I put maybe four or six seeds in a large flower pot to see if they would come up. If they do, I’ll let them get a few inches tall and them transplant them in my regular “okra spot”. It’s not time for tomatoes yet. I heard a tip yesterday concerning tomatoes. Ms. Kate said she had heard a gardener say to put sardines in the hole before you put the plant in. It adds nutrients to the soil. It’s worth a try. I’ve put fish that I have caught at the base of a plant before and it works well. I just had never considered buying a few cans of sardines to do that. 

That’s all I have today. I hope your day is filled with the joy of Jesus Christ. Peace. 

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