Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 Another beautiful morning greets me today. It is already 70 degrees, the sun is shining and there are very few clouds in the sky, — so far. We are supposed to have some rain come through sometime today or maybe tonight and I think into tomorrow. It will be what it will be I reckon. 

Yesterday I took my truck to the local car wash to have it hand washed and waxed. I run it through car washes frequently but they only get the dust off basically. My truck is a 2008 Dodge Dakota and I bought it in 2009. At the time it only had about 12,000 miles on it. Well, it still has only 48.000 miles on it. It looks great but had begun to have a layer of dirt on it that the car washes didn’t touch and I knew it would ruin the paint. So I took it to have it hand washed and waxed and now it looks as good as the day I bought it. I love my truck, I just don’t drive it often because the gas mileage is only around 20 mpg. But, a guy needs a truck and it is handy for things like hauling mulch and stuff. The neighbors across the street and the neighbors next door have both benefitted from me owning a truck several times over the years too. Any way, I’m glad to have “Big Red” looking shiny and new once again. 

Today is “bulletin day” at the churches. But first Ms. Kate needs to go have her blood work done. It will be a “fasting required” session. Which means that she can’t have her coffee yet this morning because she puts cream in her coffee. So, she better go pretty soon. LOL

I’m sitting here looking at the maple trees in the yard to the west of me and to the south of me and there are about a bi-zillion “Whirly-copter” seeds ready to fall from them. Pretty soon the air will be full of them. I reckon we’ll see how good my new “Leaf Filter” gutter guards really work. 

I finished another book last night. I have one more new one from this same author. I may wait to start on it. I need to get busy writing again instead of reading. But these two books I just read are good sermon source material so it isn’t like it was time wasted. I’ve already loaned out the first book to a parishioner and I’ll be interested to see if it made the impact on her that it did me. 

I think I’ll go throw a bagel in the toaster and pour another cup of coffee. Have yourself aa most wonderful day. Stay in touch with God and receive His peace. 

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