What a beautiful morning. The sun is bright, the sky is clear and blue. It’s 70 degrees with only a slight breeze. Not only that, but the Backyard Buffet has a lot of beautiful guests this morning; several cardinals, several goldfinches, two bluebirds, and best of all, the Red Breasted Grosbeaks are arriving. They will stick around for a couple of weeks before they continue on with their migration. Several of my friends have reported seeing them in their yards too.
Today, I think we are going to go purchase another lilac bush, like we need any more plants. We have a huge lilac on the northwest corner of the house but it has gotten so big and tall that we can’t really see the blooms and there aren’t many blooms on it anyway. There is just too much shade where it is and lilacs like sun. That’s why the blooms are only at the top of the bush, about twenty feet up. From there I think we will check out another couple of places to see if we can find some okra plants. For what ever reason, they are hard to find this year. The local CO-OP has always had good plants but they don’t have any plants at all anymore. I want to plant four plants. That always give us plenty. Ms. Kate puts it in her vegetable soup and sometimes she fries up some. Some folks like okra and tomatoes but I could never acquire a taste for that. The okra is too slimy.
I went out and bought a new television yesterday morning at Best Buy. The Geek Squad will deliver it, set it all up, and haul off the old one tomorrow morning. I’m replacing the last of the three that got killed by lightening last summer. This one was only a year old when the lightening got it. The lightening field the HDMI capability I’ve been able to watch it by using the Spectrum App but that finally went too.
Time to head to the nursery and maybe grab some lunch while we are out. Have a very blessed day.