Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday morning, real early, — at least for me. Had another toss-and-turn night for what ever reason. I think much of it has to do wth the fact that we are not sleeping in our own bed yet but are sleeping in the guest bed. It is an okay mattress but it became the guest bed when we bought a new one. It has a definite divit in the middle. Plus, my cast gives me fits at night too. I can never get comfortable with it. But, I have a leg to put a cast on so, enough grousing about it. I do thik though that I am going to make an effort to see if I can get ito our bed today and see how that works out for me. It shouldn’t be too hard. It is just a matter of putting the right “helps” in the right places. I tried it when I first came home and couldn’t do it, but, I was still having major back problems at that point. So, we’ll give it a go again today and see what happens.

Today we are meeting Bob and Brenda for “schrooms & beer”. We’ve not had the opportunity to do that since I had my accident and we really miss it. Brenda has to play for a funeral this morning up at St. Lucas so we are going to meet at noon. Bob has a birthday on Tuesday so we’ll celebrate that today with him. I think he will be 88 years old.

Ms. Kate had to get a new computer a few weeks ago because hers just crapped out on her. Julie set it up for her when she was down but didn’t set up the printer. Kate has been having more trouble trying to get that thing set up. The real problem is that when she had her stroke, she lost “x” amount of mental capacity for reasoning things out. She gets so frustrated with stuff, especially technological stuff. It is a shame because there was aa time that if I anted to know something about computers, Kate is thee one I would ask. But, these days it is just the opposite. And —- asking me about techno stuff is basically just a shot in the dark. I can do stuff on them and with them but — it is alll just my accident. I don’t know anything; I’m just lucky or stubborn.

Yesterday was supposed to be a super windy day and then last night we were supposed to have severe storms. Well, I never saw much wind and if it stormed —- I didn’t hear it. Maybe most of it went round us again. The upper mid-west portion of the country is getting hammered again with winter snow storms and blizzard conditions. This is the third of what the weather people are calling weather “bomb cyclones” so far this spring. That is a new term and frankly, it is a scary term because those storms seeem to bring a lot of destruction with them and some deaths too.

Pastor Art gets home today from his vacation. I hope he and Dixie have enjoyed themselves. They covered for me for several weeks in the early stages of my accident and were getting tired. It will be. Good to see them again.

That is it for today my friends. I hope your Friday is full of sunshine and love. Peace.

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