Wednesday, March 15, 2023

 There will be no grousing this morning about the lack of sunshine! It is a beautiful morning. The sunshine abounds and the temp is 46 and going up maybe another ten degrees today. All in al, I’d say that is a perfect start to the day. 

We started this morning with a call from the Deaconess Hospital surgery center. They wanted to go over everything with Ms. Kate because some of the things she has to do before surgery have to start at least 10 days out. Mostly they have to do with the list of medications that she takes. Some she will have to stop on differing days before the surgery. The paperwork we got yesterday said the surgeon is still taking a “lumpectomy” although removal of the breast is no out of the realm of possibilities, but unlikely. We feel pretty confident about that. After the surgeon’s call, she had a call from the geneticist telling her that some of the tests were back but they did 46 different tests and only nine were back so far. We’ll wait for more results until we get a complete picture. This is important not only for Kate but also for our daughters, granddaughter, her sister and her daughters etc. If she does have a genetic propensity toward cancer, all of the women in her family need to know that so they can monitor their own bodies. 

I have a busy and long day in store. I need to go do some parishioner visitation at a nursing home in Princeton, then I need to get to the church and run a lot of bulletins again. I have all of my services lined up through Easter now. I finished my Easter Sunday message last night. So, I need to get everything in order and lined up. Then I won’t have to worry about any of it while I’m gone. This afternoon I have my last Confirmation Class and need to go over everything with the two confirmands because I won’ ave another chance before Palm Sunday which is their Confirmation day. After Confirmation, I have choir practice. e are working on the Easter Morning Cantata, and in my opinion, we have a looooooong way to go before it is ready. —- So much to do and so little time. 

I was double checking everything last night that haas to do with the wedding and I’m really glad I did. I have the wedding bulletins all printed and ready to go, —- but I had forgotten to print the actual ceremony. I thought I had done that and had it in my note book. That would have been panic city if I got to the wedding rehearsal and had no script! Yikes. 

So, I guess I better eat another donut, finish my coffee, and get to work. You go have yourself a wonderful and blessed day. Peace. 

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