Monday, March 13, 2023

 Winter is a sneaky old dude. I have flowers blooming everywhere; daffodils, hyacinths, violets, the trees are blooming everywhere I look — I have already cut my first asparagus and this morning it is 30 degrees and there is a skim of ice on the bird bath because I unplugged them the other day. What’s up with all of that!!!!!  Yes, I know —- spring is not officially here until a week from tomorrow on the 21st of March. The one thing that I am really grateful for though is that we aren’t caught up in the snow and blizzards that are still sweeping across the nation. 

The real problem with this winter hanging around and al of the snow and blizzards that the nation is experiencing is that it becomes a mental thing. The scientists and “other people who think they are experts” all talk about global warming constantly. However, people currently at the end of winter still gettin g record snow falls are finding it hard to think about global warming while they are digging out from under literally feet of snow. However —- the fact is that all of our weird weather pattern changes is most likely caused because of global warming; at least that is what I have read. The El Niño’s and the La Ninas are twisted around and changing the atmosphere. 

We had a good weekend. Church attendance could have been better but it is the beginning of Spring Break and heaven knows that we wouldn’t at church to interfere with our right to have fun. —- Yes, I know, that was “snarky” but I do sometimes get a little depressed at how far down the ladder church attendance sits in relationship to all the other things on people’s list of priorities. But —- I admit that I have been there done that too; so I can’t gripe about it. I can only continue to do my best for those who do show up, and pray for those who don’t or can’t. 

Ms. Kate and I are doing laundry today and she is still working on getting her office organized. That is a Herculean task because frankly, she has too much stuff for the room. All of the craft stuff she has accumulated from doing scrapbooking and now stamping/card making adds up. But, It’s her room/her problem. I don’t know how she even moves around in there with out tripping and falling and that does worry me. I guess the same could be said for my garage. 

Time to quit for the day. Have a good one. 

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