Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Well — a blessed good morning on this beautiful Saturday morning. What a blessing that the storms are over here. I feel for those still in its path. I don’t think I have seen a set of weather quite like that one in a very long time; —- perhaps since the last time we were in a hurricane in the Philippines. Ms. Kate and I had no damage other than some dead limbs off of the trees that I will have to pick up as soon as the yard dries out enough to walk around in it. And — of course, we lost cable and internet for I guess about 18 hours. We eventually figured out that we could use our iPhones as hot-spots to give us internet capability on our iPads, so we were connected that way to the world. But our area took quite a hit, and that’s nothing compared to what has happened around the entire nation. I recall reading that this was going to be a really bad year for snow and that February/March was going to be especially bad. It would appear that the long-range forecasters actually hit it on the nose this time. 

So, I was typing on my blog yesterday and didn’t realize that I had no internet until I saw a notice that it had not updated. So. I quit writing until we figured out that we could use the “hot-spots”. Even then, I wasn’t sure that what little I had would actually publish. But, I lost probably a half page. 

So, to resume my yesterday story; —— we had Ms. Kate’s visit with the surgical team yesterday. We like her surgeon. He plans a lumpectomy followed by radiation. The teams oncologist came in talking about her doing chemo in addition to the radiology but we are going to use her as our oncologist. We already have seen our recommended oncologist and trust him because Kate has been to him before and he is the one recommended by our family doctor. Kate did let them do a blood draw yesterday for the geneticist. That will tell us if there is anything for our girls to worry about as far s cancer is concerned. We don’t have a surgery date as of yet. However, our surgeon was sensitive to our need to be in North Carolina yet this month. So, I suspect we will be doing surgery in April and that is just fine for both of us. 

Time to grab a couple of donuts and refill the coffee cup. ave a blessed weekend. Peace. 

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