Friday, March 10, 2023

 It has been another busy morning around our house. I had a call at 0730 from a contractor telling me that his crew was on the way to build my new gate to my back yard. That was all good because we were up any way preparing to go to the Deaconess Mid-town hospital for Kate to do a bunch of tests prior to her surgery. They were supposed to be done three weeks prior to surgery and we are right on schedule for that.  The crew got here about 0745 and I went over the work that was to be done. 

Kate and I left for Deaconess. I asked her if she had her phone; I was going to drop her off and go find a place to park and wait. She said she should be about an hour at least, depending on waiting times at each of the clinics. So, I dropped her off. I could easily see that there were no places to park in the main lot. There were already four or five cars playing “circle the wagons” to try to find a spot. So, I knew I could go over to the parking garage and find a spot, even if I had to go up to the roof. But, as I pulled on to the second floor, I saw that there were several spots available so I drove on around to close to the door and sure enough, there was a spot right by the doors. I pulled in, got out my little tray table that attaches to my steering wheel, got my iPad to I could write my blog while I wait, but —— I had forgotten MY phone. I instantly realized that not only did I not have my phone to use as a “hot-spot” for the internet, —- Ms. Kate couldn’t call me and let me know when she was ready for pick up. So, I put my stuff away, left my perfectly great parking spot and drove the 5.5 miles back home and picked up my phone, and drove back to the hospital. However, —- this time I was able to find a spot may 100 ft. From the front door of the hospital. I wasn’t parked but maybe five minutes and Kate called me and said that she was walking to the front door and ready to go. 

From there we went to the Cross-Eyed Cricket for a great breakfast and then swung by the cemetery to see how bad the flowers on the graves looked. They definitely need replacing. That may be tomorrow’s job.

Got home and the fence builders were hard at work and they should be done in the next half hour. While they were working out their with their air compressor, I asked them if they could air up the rear tire on my little John Deere. It will save me the trouble of having to carry my compressor and hose, and extension cord all around there. They had no problem with me asking them to do that. 

So now we are home for the day and I still need to get myself down to the office and finish the sermon that I’m working on and another couple. But I want to wait until the fence crew leaves. 

That’s it for today. Peace

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