Friday, March 17, 2023

 Another cold, cloudy, not raining at the moment morning. Winter has three days left officially and seems to be milking every bit of itself for what it is worth. I don’t know if any of you watch or follow a forecaster named Ryan Hall or not; he’s about the best that I have found. He does a podcast called “Ryan Hall Y’all” on You Tube. He said that this weekend 80% of the nation is going to be under a major cold front. That is a serious cold front isn’t it. It is going to be hitting the Deep South too which means that some fruit trees that are budding and blooming might be effected. 

Well, just how Irish are you today? Has your Facebook page been fixed with people wishing you a happy St. Paddie’s Day? Did you have green tea this morning instead of coffee (yuk at the thought)? When you got dressed did you put on some green to keep from getting pinched? Do you remember that childhood tradition? I’ve had two friends send me “Irish Jigs” this morning. I love their sentiment but an Irish accordion and dancing jig is not what one wants before coffee. LOL

I was up late again until about 0100 this morning watching a tv show. I don’t watch sports of any kind as I have told you many times. But there is a show called “Battle Bots” that I really like to watch. I guess it is an international thing. These teams of engineers and mechanics build these incredible robots and they pit them against one another. They aren’t like big human size things they are like smallish toy cars and are radio driven. The engineering that goes into these things is fantastic to watch as these guys maneuver them around trying to destroy each other’s robot. It is the epitome of Nerdvana. You know people go to car races just to see crashes. This is the equivalent with no one getting hurt. Anyway, I was watching a tournament last night and finally went to bed at 0100. There was another segment coming on but I was not gong to stay up and watch it until 0300, so I taped it. I’ll watch it today maybe. 

The first couple of things I need to do today though are to go get a haircut, and clean up my car and get it ready to travel. And —- start assembling stuff to take on the trip. So, with tat on my list, I’m out of here. 

Have your self a blessed day, and maybe even have a green beer just for Paddie!  Peace. 

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