Friday, January 20, 2023

 A happy and blessed Friday morning to you. It’s just another cloudy day in the neighborhood. It’s 31 degrees and isn’t going to go up much from there.

Of course I don’t have much of anything new since I just wrote last evening. Well, actually, my one bit of news is that we had an active shooter incident at our west side Walmart last night. I don’t know anything more than that with the exception that the shooter is dead. I haven’t heard the news yet as to if there were victims or if it was a random nut job that decided to commit suicide by cop or what. What in the world is wrong with people these days? I just don’t get it. If you want to kill yourself, just take your gun and go out in the woods somewhere. Why ruin the lives of people you don’t even know. Suicide is a selfish and cowardly act in the first place. God did not give you the choice of when you will die. But neither did he give you the right to end other peoples lives just because you are mad about something. Well, I bet your reception on the other side of that veil is a whole lot different the your victims. 

So, today I’m going to get dressed and then go feed my birds first thing this morning. II had a slew of cardinals, bluebirds, titmouse, finches and wrens out there this morning all looking for food and most everything is empty. I’m also going to Wild Birds today because they have a 15% off sale on safflower seed and that is a mainstay for the cardinals and other birds —- and the squirrels don’t like it. That makes it a win-win. I’ve been putting hot peppered seed in the feeders except for the sunflower seed. The squirrels can have that. But if I put the hot- pepper seed in the rest of the feeders, the squirrels have learned they don’t want to get on them and that way they aren’t tearing the feeders up. I have lost a lot of feeders to squirrel damage over the years and they are not cheap. I can easily drop $40.00 on a new feeder. Most of the new feeders I buy are fairly indestructible even by squirrels. I try to stay away from plastic feeders if I can.  

The other thing I have to do today is go up and run y bulletins. If I time that right, I can grab a bite of lunch somewhere too. 

But, if I’m going to get any of that done, I better get myself changed and start moving. I hope you have a blessed day.  Peace. 

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