Monday, January 23, 2023

 Rain - cloudy cloudy, rain cloudy cloudy, rain cloudy cloudy. If you say it in rhythm it sound like “Indian War drums”. LOL But that seems to be our winter pattern for weather around here this winter. Our weather lady did promise us a little sunshine this afternoon to brighten up the day. The other day we got our first and only peek at the sub right at 4:30 - 5:00 pm. There was a thin line of sunshine right at the horizon as the sun set for the day. Actually, it was kind of awesome. 

How was your weekend? Ours was okay, certainly nothing to write home about. We were busy just doing stuff. Yesterday of course was Sunday and that means two church services and a Confirmation class to do. We were thin in attendance yesterday at the churches. Church services have to compete with too many other things like sports tournaments, sports on TV, middle school dances, vacations, school spring break, rainy/snowy cold weather, and the colds and flu season. There is always a reason not to attend church. I’m just glad when folks do come and I’m glad that God doesn’t “take a day off”. It is just another way in which our society has changed since “the olden days” when I was a kid. We didn’t have all of these other activities when I was a kid and even if we had —— there was no way that they would take precedence over attending church. And while “TV church” capability was a blessing during COVID, it has also come to be a curse too as people stay home and watch  or don’t watch but we never know which. I guess in a way, we are like restaurants; we cook up a lot of food for the day but we never know if anyone is going to come in and eat. But that doesn’t allow us the right to serve food of any less quality. 

Ms. Kate and I have a week this week that is almost event free. Wow!!! Of course I have to work on services etc but other than that, we have no appointments or anything else. What will we do with ourselves?? Well, for one thing, we need to run by Walgreens and pick up a prescription and also pick up some Dasani bottled water for Ms. Kate. Then I need to run over to Art’s house and pick up a couple of books he has for me. And then I have to come home and get busy both reading and writing. I’m working on a sermon series and the books that Art is giving me are reference books on my subject. He has given me several of his book; one he wrote and also several articles and research papers he has written and published. He is such a great mentor and an even better friend. I’m blessed. 

Time to put my head together with Ms. Kate and decide what we are going to do about some lunch. I hope you have a great day. And I hope your week is fully blessed. Peace. 

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