Tuesday, January 24, 2023

 With all of that beautiful sunshine out there, it seems hard to believe that this day is going to end in rain and snow. But --- that's what is predicted for today. 

Happy Tuesday, the 24th of January. Do you realize that there is only one more week in this month and then we move on to February. Time does continue to flow and we can suddenly be asking ourselves "where the tine went". I usually ask myself that when I'm suddenly closer to a deadline than I want to be. Fortunately, I got to quit worrying too much about deadlines twenty years ago when I retired from the Air Force. There, everyday was a day closer to a suspense that had to be met or a goal that had to be attained. It's probably like that in the business world out here with the civilians too but as a pastor, I usually only get jammed up if I'm a little late getting my sermon written and suddenly I have a funeral or hospital visitations pop up unexpectedly. That's why I try to work a couple of weeks ahead. 

I think today Ms. Kate and I are going to go look for a new office desk chair for her. Her old one is looking pretty ragged these days and she spends a lot of hours in that chair. So, I managed to get her old one out of the office and have it parked by the front door. I sent my daughter Julie a text to see if she wants it for a craft chair in her garage. If not, I'll put it out on the street with a "Free" sign on it. Somebody might want it. It just really need some duct tape on it and it will be perfectly useable. Duct tape fixes most anything ya' know!!! Then if no one takes it, into the trash can it goes. 

While I'm waiting to go, I've been going through our two church constitutions with reference to their hiring of a new pastor. Both churches have 50 year old constitutions and when they were written , they were not written with much leeway on several points. So they are both going to have to do some hard work to get where they think they want to be. The denomination has changed a great deal since those two documents were written and our churches views don't match those of the denomination in several way.  It will be interesting to see how they resolve their issues. But --- if they don't do something, they are in for a very long pastoral search because the current flavor of pastors is far more liberal than the two churches are. God will provide the right person when God sees fit. It took my home church seven years to find a suitable pastor. 

Gotta' stop and do some other writing. Have a blessed day. Peace.

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