How do you become a prisoner in your own home? — with a thick coating of ice on the drive way and all of the streets, that’s how. There is no way I could drive up my driveway. There has only been one truck that has traveled our street so far today and there is a a couple of kids out there on a four wheeler but they are taking it fairly slow. It is absolutely dangerous to try to go anywhere today. All of the schools are closed and I imagine many businesses have closed too. Not that I am going to try to find out.
I was supposed to do a funeral at 10:00 am this morning. That got postponed. They are going to try to have it on Thursday morning now. The ice should all be fairly well melted by then. I think it is supposed to get above the melting point by tomorrow afternoon and hopefully we’ll have a day of sunshine tomorrow. I feel so bad for the family having to postpone the funeral. It is hard enough to lose a loved one let alone having to drag out the funeral process. But, it was the right decision. There are vehicles off of them road everywhere and the last thing we would to have happen is to have one of the mourners end up in the ditch or the hearse end up inn the ditch. It wouldn’t be the first time, that’s for sure. Ms. Kate tells about the funeral for her great-grandpa. His remains were handled by one of our local funeral homes but the cemetery was down in Fordsville KY, about fifty miles away and back in hill country. They got to within a half mile of the cemetery on a muddy back road and the hearse was stuck and couldn’t go any farther. Several of the men said that they could carry the casket the rest of the way but the funeral director said “No. Our contract is to the grave.” They went and found a farmer with a team and wagon and loaded the casket on to that and took it on up the hill to the cemetery for the burial. Then the team pulled the hearse out of the mud.
I guess I’ll use today as a writing day and work on my service for the 12th of February. Ms. kate isn’t feeling well at all; has an upset stomach and a cough. I hope she’s not coming down with the flu.
The Backyard Buffet is overflowing with customers today. I posted a short video of it. It has been non-stop all morning with birds flying in and out and fussing and fighting for position. It’s fun to watch.
That’s it for today. Stay warm, stay inside if your weather is anything like mine. May God bring you peace.