Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 Hello Tuesday! I see you are half done with being a month in 2022. Pretty soon you’ll just be a memory and people will say “Where did the month go?” Unfortunately there is an eternal history of this happening to months, and days, and years and decades, and the centuries before you. Being time is to be a waiting fatality. 

And good morning to anyone reading this. I hope your day is going well. We certainly have another beautiful; day. It is currently 52 degrees and gong up to 70 today. There’s no rain in the forecast so that is promising. As I look out at Dan’s Maple tree across the street I can see that it is starting to leaf out just a little. I think Spring has finally arrived. I’m not going to be taking advantage of it much though this week. It is just a little early yet to be raking off all of the leaves from the flowerbeds. There is still stuff relying on the leaves for cover. But the daffodils are blooming so it is a nice blessing. 

I spent my Monday doing pastoral visits with parishioners and then all evening I spent writing and putting services together. I also spent quite a bit of time on my Bible study last evening. We’ll be talking about a few parables that Jesus told and I want to try to be sure I’m making sense of them when I talk. Many of them are self explanatory but many aren’t or they can have multiple meaning. So, one has to study and research and go to writers like Barkley for interpretation. It’s all good stuff but it does take time. I enjoy doing it though. It keeps the brain active. 

My visitations went well yesterday. One fella seems to enjoy my visits very much. He’s mentally very sharp, especially for 90 years old. Yesterday I got him to talk about his time in the military. He was in the Army during the Korean War, although he spent his two years in Germany. My other visitation didn’t go quite as well. My fella was having a rough day and has not yet adapted mentally that he will not be going home. He doesn’t understand how much care he really requires and that is a tough transition to make when you have ben independent all of your life. So, all the help he is getting right now seems more like punishment. But, he has his good days too and we’ve been friends for almost two decades. So, if he has a grumpy day, I just sit and listen and I pray with him. I hope that my visit brings him some comfort that life has not ended just because his situation has changed. 

Today I need to get back down to my office and start on my service and message for the 27th of March. There is never a lack of stuff to do. With that, I will leave you with wish that you have a blessed day. Peace. 

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