Tuesday, March 8, 2022

 There are few things in this life I hate more than doing taxes. Sticking needles under my fingernails or having my teeth pulled without novocaine come close, but I can’t think of any others at the moment. We started on our taxes yesterday, finally. I was actually excited about getting them done because I thought that this year we had everything lined up, and categorized and ready to just fill in the blanks. ‘Twas not to be. We use Turbo Tax and have for the last eight years. I guess for someone who understands numbers and all of that (like my youngest daughter, who loves doing taxes) it is probably easy. BUt doing taxes makes some reallly foul language fall across my lips and that ain’t a good thing. As we were going through the process, once again we found that there was information that we didn’t have and so I had to contact people and hope they responded quickly. I’m happy to say that both of the people I needed responded very quickly so maybe I can get this annual chore done and off of my mind for another year. Until then I ask the Lord’s forgiveness for my potty mouth. 

Can you believe that after a wonderful weather week last week that went up even to the 70’s — the forecast is for snow on Friday and this morning it is 33 degrees and only going to 45 today. That’s even more crazy than my tax return. Weather dude last night said maybe 1-3 inches of snow on Friday. But, since we aren’t looking at the other nasty stuff like ice, maybe I will get to go play with the John Deere this time. It has been sitting at the ready for weeks waiting to go play. However, by Sunday we are back into the 50’ s and then back up into the 60’s and 70’s next week. The spring roller coaster is alive and well. We have daffodils blooming though so that is a wonderful blessing from above. 

This morning we have an appointment with our investment dude to see how bad the money markets are doing. That will be depressing so we’ll go to breakfast somewhere and cheer ourselves up. I’m so glad to report that Ms. Kate is feeling better and her diverticulitis symptoms are starting to subside. This has been a tough round once again for her. 

Tomorrow I’ll be busy doing a parishioner visit, running church bulletins, and then doing a Bible study in the evening. Thursday I go have a tooth repaired. So, this is an active week. I spent some time last night working on my Tenebrae service for Maundy Thursday. I know I’m a bit early but it requires me to find several (up to 14) readers for the program so I need to start now with getting the program lined up and then start recruiting participants. It will be a combined service so I will have both churches to draw from. But it will still be like pulling teeth to get people to volunteer. Getting up and reading in front of an audience just seems to be so hard for people to do and I have never understood that. Obviously none of their grade school report cards had teacher comments that said “Talks too much and likes to show off too much”. LOL That’s okay, that behavior has served me well despite what Mrs. Smith said. 

Shower time and prep for the day time. I hope you have a blessed day. Stay warm. May God bring peace to your heart. 

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