Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 I am beginning to think that Mother Nature and COVID are in cahoots with one another. This cloudy and cold/cool weather just drags on and on and on just like the COVID and Corona Virus and all of it subtitles.  I mean what is up with this weather. Yesterday on one of the northern states there was another 50 car pile up with three killed and dozens injured because of snow and ice. Here this morning it is 40 degrees with a sharp wind to chill you through and only may hit 50 today. Come on Miss Spring; put your beautiful big girl panties on and hop on out here. I have a yard full of beautiful  daffodils that have done nothing except hang their heads down due to the wind, rain and cold. 

Okay, so I’m grouching about something I can do nothing about; kind of silly of me. The blessings are that while it might be very uncomfortable out side, I’m not having to go hunt for shelter because I have no home. I’m not having to run for cover while holding my child as bombs and bullets fly everywhere and with out discrimination like so many people are doing in the country of Ukraine right now. I’m not sitting here wondering what I or Ms. Kate are going to eat today or tomorrow. And when I turn my television on and listen to the news I’m not listening to a State-controlled broadcast because I live in a free country. And I’m not afraid to say I’m a Christian because I don’t have to worry about being jailed or worse for saying that. So, I apologize for not remembering for a moment or two just how fortunate and blessed I really am. And when I go outside after while, I will walk around and look at my flowers and put on a jacket, and thank God for what blessings He is showering me with today. 

I had a good evening of writing last night. I finished up my sermon for Easter Sunday and worked on my service for the 24th of April. I won’t be home on the 24th because Ms. Kate and I will be on vacation, but I still create the worship service for the guest pastor. Then I ask the pastor to provide me with their sermon title and desired scripture. The. Parish is in for a treat this time. I have asked my friend and mentor, Pastor Art to fill the pulpit for me on the 24th. Art has his Doctorate Degree and has been preaching for well over fifty years. He has such a wonderful grasp of the scriptures and he loves to preach. He is two years older than me but I think maybe younger in spirit. Art and I spend a lot of time discussing theology and church doctrine. He is a true Baptist by denomination, training and thinking but has dual standing with our denomination. I hope the parish enjoys listening to him like I do. 

Alrighty then. I need to get on my computer and do some more trip planning for our vacation. Did I tell you that we have decided to follow the Great River Road along the Mississippi River from St. Louis MO, to New Orleans, LA. There is a lot of good sights and history to see along that route. In the mean time, have yourself a very blessed day. Smile at people today. You just might be the brightest spot in someone’s life today. Peace. 

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