Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 Wow, Mother Nature got serious last night and woke us up to 30 degrees. With a little help from the sun we might reach 50 today. Not a day that you would want to go dip your toe in the stream.. 

Ms. Kate is still “doing okay” by her definition. This morning she is busy setting up future medical appointments for a couple of weeks out. She has to have a pelvic and kidney ultra-sound in two weeks so she’s working on that. I’m just glad to see her up and functioning. That is a major change. For those of you who have been keeping her in your prayers, I thank you. 

Yesterday was a really busy day for me. As I told you, I had a dental appointment and got that tooth repaired. From there I went and picked up a couple of things that we were needing around the house and came home for lunch. Yesterday afternoon I did some of the “to-do” list stuff and then went out and rearranged the sun-porch and brought in the patio plants. I’m glad I did what with it getting down to 30 last night. It wasn’t a “hard-freeze” per-se but it would have curled the leaves a bit. As long as we have been babying these five plants, I’d hate to lose then because I was too lazy to bring them in. So, the sunporch in in its “winter arrangement” until spring. 

I asked Ms. Kate what she wanted for supper and she said she had gotten some ground chuck out of the freezer and planned to make our version of “goulash”. Well, I knew that I could do that, (with a few directions), so I made supper and it turned out pretty darn well. There is enough for leftover for another couple of meals; at least for me. Kate doesn’t like leftovers. I’m like her mom though. Make a pot of something and eat it every meal until it is gone. 

Finally, last night I got down to my computer in my office and did get some writing done. I got a page and a half written that is pretty good and then I quit because I was beat. Maybe I’ll finish it this evening after I watch Survivor. 

That’s it for today. I need to get ready to go to the churches and run the bulletins, or maybe I’ll just wait and do that tomorrow. There isn’t a rush. Just have to wait and see how it all plays out. 

Have a blessed day. Shalomn. 

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