Friday, June 4, 2021

 Aaah! There is blessed sunshine out there this morning and it is already a beautiful 72 degrees. As soon as I have some breakfast I’m going out and fill the bird feeders. I have a lot of guests out there this morning and they are hungry. I also have a bird feeder that I need to repair. The critters didn’t tear it up, the small cable wire that it hangs from finally broke, I assume due to rust. I think I can repair it with some wire. But first, I want to take it to Wild Birds Unlimited because I think it has a lifetime warranty. Maybe they will just trade it off to me. I really like that feeder and it is the one that the squirrels eat out of most of the time. It’s worth a try anyway. 

We made it to the churches yesterday to run the next three weeks worth of bulletins. We had debated all day about doing it because of the rain. We had kind of dodged passing storms all day. We went to Target to look for a couple of items for our trip, and then to Biaggi’s for lunch. While we were at lunch, it came another down pour and my radar indicated that we were going to have another one coming through soon. So we went home and took a short nap. It never did come another storm and the sky cleared out, so, off to the church we went. I’m glad to have that done, It’s just another thing checked off of my list before we go on vacation. 

I see a lot of cars coming and parking along the street and then leaving again. I guess my neighbor is having a yard sale once again. We could stand to have a yard sale around here. We’ve never had one and frankly don’t want to put the work into conducting one. I don’t even like yard sales because I figure that 90% of the stuff people are trying to sell is just junk they don’t know what to do with. My sister and her husband were big into yard sales and we have gone on “Yard Sale Road trips” with them and they filled the van with stuff. My Brother-in-law and sister-in-law on Ms. Kate’s side were auction people. Oh, my Lord, he would buy boxes full of junk just to get one item that he had his eye on. And she is no better. They have a basement that is approximately 3000 sq ft and a person can barely get through it because of all the stuff they have bought on auction. I have found that one of the biggest problem with have a lot of “stuff” is that nobody really wants it. I have a Kenwood stereo set down stairs that I bought many years ago on sale at the BX. I also bought two what was state of the art speakers to go with it. But it is all big stuff and with the technology advances, I get the same if not better sound through by Bose earphones and my IPad. If I were to put it out on a yard sale, I might get $25.00 for the whole thing, and I paid around $1000.00 for it. The same goes for the extra piano that sits in my living room.  No body wants it. It’s all just going to be left for the kids to find a way to dispose of it when we are dead. 

Time to go feed my guests. Have a great Friday! Peace. 

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