Monday, June 28, 2021

 Good morning and Happy New Week. I hope your week is going to be filled with wonderful things. I hope my week is going to have a little rain attached to it. So far all we are getting is forecasts and no production. I woke up at 0500 this morning and instead of going back to sleep I should have gotten out of bed and dressed and gone out and watered the garden while it was still the cool of the day. The sun is now high and clear and the temperature is currently 84 and going up to 91. I went out and gathered a few more tomatoes awhile ago and the air was already sultry. Summer is doing it’s job.

How was your weekend? It was uneventful around our house. We had a fairly well attended church service yesterday. I can say the church was half full because most everyone sits on one side of the church. I told the congregation they were in danger of tipping the church over. I find that a fascinating little anomaly that folks will crowd in on one side while the other side gets only about a dozen people in it. Habits are habits I guess. The same thing happens at the other church with the parking lot. People have “their spot” that they park and it is in the middle of the lot so other folks have to maneuver around them to get to a place to park. But, it’s only been like that forever and it won’t change. Habits are habits. I’m just glad that people come. 

We’ve had a bad couple of weeks with out video and camera system. The last two weeks we’ve had no sound on the taping so the video was useless for broadcasting on Facebook or You Tube. The problem is actually two fold; we latch wifi at either church and have to rely on “Hot spots” on folks phones. Secondly, Jacob doesn’t have a really trained backup team. We lost yesterday simply because they had left the mute button on. We’re looking for someone to step up and volunteer for this ministry. Jacob and his family haven’t bee able to take a vacation since the beginning of COVID because he is running the camera etc. But his job takes him out of town on some Sundays. I hope at least a couple of people will step up and give him some help. I wonder if the local high-school has a program for students that teach that kind of thing. Maybe we could get a student or two to come do that for $15.00 a week. It’s a thought worth exploring anyway. I wish my grandson Jon lived here, That is right up his alley of interest.

Ms. Kate and I have a funeral visitation to attend this afternoon. It is for a member of my home church. He was really a nice guy. He has been ready to pass for a long time. He has buried two wives and all of his siblings. Life wasn’t a lot of fun for him anymore, especially since he had to move to an assisted living facility. 

Time for me to get busy. We’re doing laundry today and I need to start working on my July 11th sermon and service. Have a blessed day. Try to stay cool. Peace. 

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