Friday, June 25, 2021

 What a lazy morning I am having. I’ve been sitting here my IPad in my lap, having my coffee, watching the birds, and yes, dozing off for short spells. The only thing that is on my agenda for the day is to meet Bob and Brenda and Andy for lunch at 1130. So, I’m just being a lazy bum this morning. Sure, there is a lot of stuff I could be doing, but I think everyone deserves a lazy bum day once in a while, don’t you? 

It looks like it could rain but it hasn’t yet. It is in the forecast but I think some of the rain that we were expecting has either dried up before it got here or it went around us somehow. I need to go out and fill the bird baths. They are getting gnarly again. I don’t know why birds insist of pooping in their bath water and then drinking it. How uncivilized! So I need to take the hose to both of them and clean them up so they have fresh water. I also have a couple of feeders that could use refilling today. 

Yesterday I brought the little JD around and put it in the garage for pick up on Tuesday morning. It is a pain in the butt to do that. I have to take a section of my fence down because the gate is too narrow for the mower to go through. That picket fence isn’t light and it is well made. I made it myself several years ago. That was a real job. But there is so much grown up in the path to get to it at the point I need to that it is just a PITA. But, I get it done when I need to. 

I think this afternoon I may need to dig my potatoes. The stalks are pretty brown and shriveling up which I think means they ready. I won’t be getting a lot but it will be fun to see how my “flower-pot potato crop” turned out. It was an experiment in resourcefulness. The potatoes we had from the store were at the point of throw them out or plant them so I bought a couple of large flower pots, put some really good potting soil in them and planted them. Yesterday I picked the first pea pod from my little micro rows and I’ve been picking tomatoes all week too. My yellow squash has three fruit on it and several blooms, the cucumbers are finally starting to take off, and the Swiss chard needs to be cut. I just saved myself a walk through the produce section, didn’t I? LOL

I finished up my 4th of July sermon yesterday and have that ready to go. I don’t know what size of a crowd to expect. It could be small because folks will be out of town or I could be surprised and everyone will stay home. Regardless, it is done. 

Okay, I gotta get out of the recliner, quit staring at the squirrels and birds and do something useful. Have yourself a wonderful Friday. I pray you will have time to relax this weekend and enjoy some family time. Don’t forget to take time to attend your house of worship. Take a friend along with yopu and share God’s love and blessings. Peace. 

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