Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 Good morning and Happy Tuesday. I hope your morning is as bright and shiny as mine is. It’s 38 degrees, going up to about 50 today. Not bad for a December 22nd. The forecast calls for it to get a lot colder in the next couple of days and really cold on Christmas, but no snow is in the forecast for us. 

So, did you see the great star conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter? Did it look like the Christmas Star to you? We drove up to the St. Lucas parking lot to observe it because that was the most unobstructed and darkest sky view I knew of. I have a couple of sets of binoculars that we used but still, —- what we saw wasn’t the spectacular view that we all were hoping for. It certainly did not look like “The Star of Bethlehem” nor would it have guided anybody to anywhere. But, there are a lot of pictures posted this morning on facebook and some folks get some really good shots and you could see Saturn’s ring really clear. I was just thrilled that I got to see such a rare event. Yes, these two planets pass one another on a regular basis but it has been 800 years since they were this close to one another and you could see them at night. That makes it a once in a lifetime event and we witnessed an historical event. As I have said before, celestial events make me happy. I’ve like to go out and sit in some place away from city lights when we have meteor showers, especially on a warm summer night. My only problem is that almost always, the “best viewing time” is after midnight. My eyes give up before my desire does. LOL

We have a couple of things on the to-do list today. I have to get the 80# of sunflower seed carried from thee car to the shed and put away. Then I have to fill the dang bird feeders again. These guys are wearing me out. It’s the dang starlings that empty them so fast. They literally will set there and eat until they empty the feeders. Yes, I know, God made them too and they are His creatures too; but that don’t mean I have to be happy about them. They come in packs or flocks of a dozen or more at a time and they bully everything else and each other. Oh well, that’s the way it is. 

I need to go to the grocery store and pick up some spring rolls wrappers this morning. What we used the other day just didn’t work and Kate has the stuff mixed up to make more. So, I need to find wrappers so we don’t waste the moisture. 

I finished making my slides for my January 3rd sermon last night. Now I can start on January 10th. And get my service and sermon written for that. It does seem strange to be doing services for 2021. It “seems” so far off and yet, it is less than two weeks until the new year. Amazing. I pray 2021 will be a much better year for the world than 2020 was. 

That’s it for today. Have a great Tuesday. Take a moment ot two to give thanks for your blessings. Peace. 

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