Sunday, December 27, 2020

 Good morning and a happy Sunday. I know right, —- I generally don’t write on a Sunday. It, I missed yesterday so I thought I’d just drop a note today. 

It’s nice to not look outside and see frost covered everything this morning. It is 36 degrees with a “real-feel” of 43. We must have a southern wind flow this morning and the bright sunshine certainly helps. It is supposed to go up to 55 degrees today. That will be great for me to go out and fill all of the bird feeders again today. They have been mostly empty for the past two days. I did get my new “shipment” of bird feeding stuff from Wild Birds Unlimited a couple of days ago. I’m really glad they have started shipping orders. It makes it great that I can just go on-line, order what I want, and if I order over $75.00 worth, (which I always do) they even ship it to me free. Very convenient. 

Julies and Jim left yesterday around noonish. We had a wonderful visit with them for our Christmas celebration. It is so great to have them living this close. They come over several times a year. We haven’t been to their house in probably a year partly because of COVID restrictions but mostly because they are always working. Julies is either at work, or home doing homework for school, or attending school, or having some kind of doctor’s appointment. Jim works a lot of over time and when he isn’t, he’s bowling or something. So it is hard to find a time to visit them and we rely on their free time. Prior to COVID, we would drive over during the day and Ms. Kate and I would go to the east side of Louisville and go to P.F. Chang’s for lunch and then pick up something for Julie and take it to her at work. But, we haven’t done that in none or ten months because of the COVID restrictions there in Kentucky. 

I was supposed to go see a terminal parishioner yesterday afternoon but never did. His wife had taken him to their daughter’s house for a Christmas visit. By the time they got home he was worn out. Hospice now has him set up at home for his last days. I’m going to see him today after lunch time. I will take communion to him and share the table of Christ with him if he wants to participate. We had prayed together that he would make it through Christmas and he did. Now, we will pray he will see 2021, although what difference does that really make? Frankly, I think that maybe we are just praying that we are holding off the glory of heaven from him and that seems ridiculous doesn’t it. He’s ready to go, he feels he has settled his account with God, and now he waits. So in reality, maybe our prayers are selfish. I just pray for a peaceful and painless transition through  “the veil” for him. 

This allegedly is our last Sunday of “Jammie Church” at least for me. Next Sunday we go back to doing two services of “in-person” worship. We’ll still live-stream it for those that are not ready to come back to church because of COVID. What won’t be the same is addition of the videos that Jacob puts in during the music or before and after the service. I hate to admit that I have really enjoyed just doing the virtual service and that is mainly because of the production work that Jacob does  for our services. I do miss being there with the congregation though. Although, that will still not be the same because we are still in aa social distance / no-touch mode and no singing. It has been a strange year and hopefully 2021 will be aa lot better when they get the vaccine distributed and we can get the pandemic under control. Let’s all pray for that. 

That is it for today. It is the first day of the last week of 2020. Make the best of it. Take time today to worship our God. Be grateful that you have made it through. So very many have not. Peace. 

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