Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 It’s mid-week again, already. Happy Wednesday. I don’t know about how it is where you live but, we have snowflakes this morning and that literally describes our “snow-event” so far. And guess what —— I’m fine with that. Would I like to go out with the John Deere and clear the drive way and the street and maybe even the neighbor’s drives —- it would be fun. But sitting here watching the birds and not being outside in the 31 degree temperature  is pretty awesome too. In fact, it looks like it has switched over from any snowflakes to a light rain now. All of the tiny bit of snow that had accumulated is now gone from the surrounding rooftops and off of my car. I do feel sorry and pray for those folks though that are in the path of this snowstorm that is heading their way They are looking at getting a major snowstorm. I think my grandson Joshua and family will be in the thick of it up in New Hampshire. 

My agenda is pretty simple today. I need to practice my song on my trumpet, and go to the church this afternoon for taping of my next two services. I went over the sermons again last night to make sure they said what I wanted to say and I think they are fine. I wouldn’t call them “exciting”, but I don’t think you’ll fall asleep through them either. LOL 

I need to get on the back and ride a few miles today, and I may carry the laundry in and start that since our dryer has now been fixed. As I suspected it was the heating element and a safety switch that had gone out. Or as I say, “It had a $350.00 bill blocking it from working.” That usually seems to be the case; you open your wallet and magical things happen to fix appliances. 

Have you made your Christmas plans yet? Ours are simple. Julie and Jim and the dogs are coming over on Christmas Eve, will stay a couple of night and head home. That is about as exciting as it gets around here. It isn’t “bah Humbug” but is celebration through simplicity. Maybe next year we’ll be in better shape and will put up a tree. We have a small Christmas Tree looking thing that lights up and I have put the three or four presents that we have around that. We’ll take our coffee and sit around the Living room and enjoy one another’s company. I guess it is “special” because Christmas is the only time we go sit in the Living Room. How weird is that?? It is a perfectly good room with some very expensive furniture and a Baby Grand Piano Keyboard in it and we don’t use it. At least we don’t have plastic coverings on the couch and chairs like people did when I was growing up. LOL

That’s it for today. Stay warm and stay safe. Wear your masks in public. If nothing else, it will keep your nose and lips warm. Peace. 

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