Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Freedom and Independence Day!! I hope y’all are having a good time wherever you might be. If you were here in the sun porch with me you would be watching it rain —- again. According to the radar, this is just a “pop-up shower” and won’t last long. But whaat it did do was ruin my plans to get on my John Deere and mow. At first it was just sprinkling but then the rain got serious. Now it has eased up to a shower and I see lighter skies on the horizon. Mother Nature is just messing with me.

Ms.Kate and I have had an easy day. We did strip the bed and wash the sheets. They should be dry by now and we can make up the bed again. I do love the feel and smell of fresh clean sheets. I remember the days when we could hang them outside and they would come in smelling really good. But, I’ll admit that I’m also glad that we don’t have to do that anymore. We always enjoy seeing the Amish hanging their clothes out on the line. Most of the time the clothesline would run from a window in the house to the barn and operated on a pulley system.

Julie and the pups are on the way over to our house. She was scheduled to work tomorrow but that got cancelled. So she’ll be here until Sunday morning. She texted me last night and said that she was bringing over our dinner for tonight. I have no idea what she is bringing but I’m sure it will taste good. She cooks a lot of “healthy stuff” that we would not think of to cook. Some of it sounds really good and I tell her that some it just needs to be eaten by her cause I don’t think I’d like it. I’m a meat, potatoes, and pasta guy. I like my vegetables but only those that I grew up eating. And of course, breakfast and dessert are always good options. I had two pieces of cherry pie for breakfast today..

Two weeks from today is my last infusion and they pull the PICCline. That should be about the same time that my brace for my leg comes in. I have to go for Physical Therapy in the morning at 0800. I think it will be an evaluation as much as anything. With no Achilles Tendon, I don’t know what they would have to work with. Dr. Richardson thought that could maybe do some stretching but I don’t know. If it doesn’t look like it will be productive, I just won’t have them do it. He kind of left it up to me.

Time to get the sheets out of the dryer and help Ms. Kate make the bed. Have a great 4th of July!

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