A bright and cheerful good morning to you! This morning is a carbon copy (if any one remembers what carbon copy means) of yesterday. It is 53° and not a cloud in the sky. The wind is a bit stronger than yesterday but it is to blow in some low 70's temperatures today. It will be a good day to trim some roses. We already have the laundry going this morning. Its just an industrious day I think. Great days make a person feel that way. There are some church work related things I need to do like write next weeks message, do my end of the month reports, and do a nursing home run; but, I think God will give me time later to do "church stuff"; perhaps today will be better spent tending to God's green earth.
Yesterday was a good day. Ms. Kate cut a bunch of daffodils for me to take out to my mother. We also cut up a bunch of watermelon and took her some. She always complains that she don't get fruit at her assisted living home. Truth be known, she isn't supposed to have an abundance of fruit because of the sugar. But, --- at 97, what are ya' gonna'do? From there I took her to her church where I was conducting the memorial service of which I spoke in yesterday's blog. It was a full church, and I got to see many old friends that I haven't seen in many years.
The mockingbirds are singing up a storm this morning. I hear them on both sides of the hose so I know there are at least two. They are great music to wake up to in the morning, --- unless of course one is trying to sleep in.
My sister saw her orthopaedist yesterday and he gave her a shot for her knee. I think she said she has a bruised tendon from her fall. We are looking forward to their visit this weekend. We are also looking forward to Julie and Jim coming over. Saturday we plan to do our Easter meal since my Easter Sunday is already pretty full. Sheila and Byron are going home Saturday noonish, but Jim and Julie, and my mother will all be here for supper. I have no doubt Ms. Kate will load the table down with food. Ms. Kate still has that persistant cough but is much, much better otherwise. I talked to several people yesterday that have had this thing and to a person they said it took them almost two months to get rid of the cough portion of this thing. Not good news.
I really don't have a lot of birds out here today. There is plenty of food there but with the warmer weather, they are expanding their search patterns I guess, and that is fine. It saves me a bit of money.
These roses won't trim themselves, so I guess I better finish my coffee and head out there. I don't know what your day holds for you but, --- what ever it is, --- it will go better with prayer. Take a bit of the time God is giving you and use it to give God praise. Have a blessed day.
I remember Mama mimeographing things for my scout meetings! I can still "smell" it when I think of it. :-) We *should* be over after work on Friday.