Monday, October 2, 2023

 Here we are, at the end of the second day of October. I made good use of it. I had a long list of things to accomplish today and I managed to get through all of them. That makes for a satisfying day. 

We started off the morning by taking Kate to have her blood draw that she gets every six weeks to check on her Coumadin levels. Her surgeon last week had altered her schedule so we don’t know what  Dr. Jackson is going to say.  I’m glad to say that she is still dong fairly well since we have been home. Still has bouts of nausea but that is due to all of the antibiotics that they have her on. 

So, I got my front and back yard mulched and mowed today. The leaves are starting to fall in earnest. In a month they will be bare. I also put away some yard still and I filled all of the feeders in the Buffet. Everyone of them was totally empty. I won’t get a lot of takers this evening but by morning there will be a crowd. 

Even though Ms. Kate didn’t get out of the house while we were in Texas, (until she was hospitalized), Heather and Joh and I did do a couple of fun things. We went to a winery tat was called the “Rhinory” because it was also a rhino sanctuary. The rhino’s name was “Blake” and we got to eat up close and personal with it and give it “pets and scratches”. That was a first for me. We also did a wine tasting. My son-in-law John found some red wine he really liked. I’ drink white wine and what I tasted was “okay” but not as good as some of our local wines here in southern Indiana. Oliver wine will out pace it any day. 

But —- the most fun I had was going to Lukenbaach, Texas. I’ve heard the song for years and I actually thought that Lukenbach might’ve a rather large town in Texas but had no idea where it might be. It turns out that Lukenbach (pop-3) is just a privately owned wide spot in the road out in the middle of nowhere. BUt, they had a stage with a live band playing good country music, and a couple of souvenir shops, lots of picnic tables and a dance floor pavilion. I could have sat there all day, having a brew or two and listening to the music. It was the highlight of the trip. So, It so ever get to hill-country in Texas, put Lukenbaach on your bucket list and be prepared to sit back and relax and enjoy Cowboy Americana. 

That’s it for today. Have a blessed evening. Peace. 

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