Friday, October 20, 2023

 What a beautiful morning! It’s bright and sunny, about 60 degrees and a breeze of about 10 mph or so. Later today I am going to jump on the John Deere and square up the yards again. I have a lot of leave that are coming down and I down’s want to get behind on that chore. The female tulip poplar has maybe 15% of it’s leaves gone already. The male tree won’t start falling for probably another two weeks or so. His leaves are much bigger than the ones on the female. (I’m only guessing that they are male and female.) She leafs out first in the spring and drops first in the fall by maybe three weeks or so. And she is the one with all of the pods. 

We’ve gotten the majority of our “chores” done for the weeks so we can take it relatively easy for the weekend. Kate will be making Christmas cards, I’ll get the yard mowed and a little other yard work and then work on another sermon. Kate hates for me to work on writing sermons and stuff when I am supposed to be taking a day off, but I enjoy doing it. I suspect once I retire, I’ll end up actually doing some writing that may or may not lead to a book, but we will see what happens. 

Kate made french toast this morning for breakfast and of course it was just perfect. I bought some bananas yesterday when I went to the grocery so we each sliced up a banana to out on our french toast. 

So that’s it for today. I hope you have a great weekend. I hope where ever you might be is going to have perfect fall weather and you can get out and enjoy the beautiful changing of the colors on the trees and breathe in so crisp fresh air. Peace

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