Saturday, August 5, 2023

 Happy rainy Saturday morning. It actually feels very pleasant outside at 75 degrees. It rains for a few minutes and then the sun almost breaks through the clouds, — and then back to showers. It makes for a great Backyard Buffet watching morning. A gentle shower landing on the porch roof, the sound of my guests is a recipe for napping and relaxing. 

Speaking of the Buffet; I cut a couple of limbs off of the Pussy Willow tree and it is driving the squirrels nuts because they can’t reach the feeder they have been robbing for years. They can still climb up the pole but it is really hard for them to hang on to the pole and still grab the seed. My plan worked perfectly. The two limbs were dead anyway so I cut them off. 

I made Toaster Strudels for breakfast this morning. It was a hard choice. I asked Ms. Kate if she wanted a bagel with creamed cheese, some oatmeal, or some orange danish rolls. So, —- who is queen of the un-offered said she would like toaster strudel. So toaster strudel it was. Teach me to ask. LOLOL

I had really hoped that I could mow today; but I guess that will wait until tomorrow or rather Monday. I shouldn’t be mowing on Sunday regardless of sun or no sun. My next door neighbor mows every Sunday and it disturbs my nap and disturbed naps make for grumpy people. LOL

Okay, I’m just rambling so I’m getting off. I hope you take time to visit your house of worship this weekend. God has provided blessings that you don’t even know about yet. Take tie to give God praise. Peace. 

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