Friday, August 25, 2023

 Friday afternoon, 1:15 pm. I just went out to the mailbox to drop in a couple of items and the heat is horrible. The “real-feel” is 109 and it is hard to breathe. I feel sorry for anyone that has to be outside working in this kind of heat. I pray God keeps them safe. I also think about people that do not or cannot afford air conditioning. I don’t know how they survive this. 

But, —- I remember days like this when I was a kid and was spending the week with my Grandma and Grandpa Heumann. Grandma would have had all of the windows open and a box fan going. Grandpa and I would have been sitting out in the shade in the yard in the old blue steel chairs. He would have been sitting there smoking his pipe. Those are precious memories. I would love to be able to sit with him once again under that tree. Grandma and grandpa Heumann were “quiet people”. They moved slow; They didn’t talk a lot but they were great listeners. They were humble and they were kind. All of us grandkids have such fond memories of the two of them. 

They were the opposite of my Grandma Rath. She was high energy and always doing something, always in motion. When we went on family vacations, she almost always went with us, five of us in crowded in a 1950’s Studebaker of some model, with our luggage and food. There weren’t a lot of restaurants back then; Drive through were something new. I remember going to my first McDonalds in Rapid City South Dakota. 

We have another appointment at the doctor’s office today for Kate to get another antibiotic shot. Then she will come home and sleep the afternoon away. It does seem to be our routine. Hopefully today will be the last one. She is doing better. Last evening she ate a whole meal, the first in weeks. So, we are hopeful that she will be past this in a few days. 

That’s my Friday story. I hope you have a great weekend. May God grant you peace. 

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