Thursday, August 17, 2023

 Thursday evening! It has been a day for sure. We have been going since this morning. Ms. Kate was able to get in to see the Family Nurse Practitioner at our doctor’s office this morning and she gave Kate a good going over. They ran a bunch of blood tests first and did the routine doctor visit in accordance with her symptoms. In the end, they are focusing still on her diverticulitis and prescribed a couple of meds to help with that. In the meantime they are working on getting appointments for a Colonoscopy and and Endoscopy. She had her last Colonoscopy about six years ago but has never had an Endoscopy. Hopefully we can get in for those fairly quickly. 

We left the doctor’s office and went home to wait for Walgreen’s to text me that her meds were ready for pickup. We waited about an hour and when I got the text, I ran down to get them and stopped by Taco Bell and picked up lunch for me. After lunch, Kate had taken her meds and was ready for a nap. While she was napping, I decided to go do some parishioner visitation. So, I headed out to the other side of town and spent some excellent time with some parishioners.

I came home and Kate was awake and hungry with no idea about what she thought she could eat but came up with pizza. (Who knew??) So, I ordered a small pizza from our favorite coal pizza place. 

Now, she’s napping gain or what we used to call for her mom — watching the snooze. 

That’s my Thursday; —- how was yours. I hope it was a great day. Tomorrow for sure, I’ll be mowing grass. Have a great day. Peace. 

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