Saturday, April 22, 2023

 Good morning on a beautiful but very chilly morning. The few days of seventy and eighty degree temperatures are off visiting someone else I reckon. They were replaced by upper thirty degree nights and fifty degree days. But, we will survive it all. And I think my plants will too. 

It has been a very busy couple of days since I last wrote but I have such wonderful news. We went to Kate’s final appointment with her surgeon on Thursday and I am thrilled to report that he declared her cancer free. He said he got all of the cancer out and her lymph node that he took was totally clear. God be praised. We are thrilled with the diagnosis. Monday we see the oncologist to determine if there are “next steps”. We suspect he will recommend radiation just as a prevention and that is okay with us. It is a four week, twenty treatment regimen but if it insures anything —- we’re all for it. Just because you beat the devil — doesn’t mean you should poke him in the eye. 

That’s my newsworthy printing. The rest of the week has just been routine stuff including parishioners visits at the hospital, sermon writing, A birthday party for my 80 year old life long friend; —- that kind of stuff. 

We had rain yesterday but while it lasted most of the day, it didn’t amount to a lot. I’m hoping it will dry out this morning so I can mow this afternoon. I also have another peony to plant that my sister-in-law gave us. I would really like to plant my tomatoes but I just know that if I do, sure enough we will have a frost. In fact we are predicted to have frost in the next couple of night. So, I must be patient. 

Tomorrow of course is Sunday and that means church services. I hope you will attend your house of worship. We have a lot to be thankful for this week. Peace. 

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