Wednesday, April 26, 2023

 Once again, a beautiful morning greets me. Then I look at the weather forecast and I see that I better put on a lightweight sweatshirt and I see showers are predicted. But I will enjoy the sunshine while i can and be grateful to the creator for it. I don’t our predicted rain for the next couple of days is supposed to amount to much and it will keep me from having to carry water out to my tomato plants. 

I’m sure you are wondering what the plan is for Ms. Kate as prescribed by her oncologist. She has to see the radiology doctor tomorrow morning so they can get her started for a series of radiation. The Oncologist said that while the surgery went perfect —- no one can accurately say that she is 100% cancer free which is why they do the radiation “preventative” procedure. She will have a total of twenty treatment  consisting of five days a week for four weeks. Hopefully, we can start them on Monday. That would be ideal because she would get all of it done in the month of May and Monday is May 1st. We expected this and nothing her oncologist said surprised us or worries us. He said the procedure takes about five minutes once you are on the table and has little to no after effect like chemo does. She can expect some redness and tenderness at the site but that is about all. So —- that’s the prognosis. We are so grateful that we found this so very early. She had not had her mammogram since COVID like so many other women. The oncologist said that had she gone for her mammogram a couple of month earlier, they probably would not have caught it or seen it. However, her results are a “triple negative” which is the most aggressive type and had she waited another year for her mammogram, they well may have had to take one or both breasts. We give all thanks and praise to God and His protection that prompted her to get her mammogram done this year when she decided to get it done. I’m positive there was divine intervention throughout this process. So, we will follow up with her oncologist again in October. 

I sent my “backyard John Deere” off to the dealer yesterday. It’s will most likely be an expensive trip because it always is. I think mechanic rates are up to $100.00 an hour now, but letting a piece of machinery sit and rust because I have no idea how to fix it is stupid. I’m have tubes out in the rear tires, and they need to fix whatever is wrong with the fuel line. I think that if they can drain it and get all of the bad fuel/water out (that’s my diagnosis) it will be perfectly ready to go. This year, I’m going to stow the thing in my garage again. Yes, it takes up precious space, but my yard barn is so full I just have no room for it. I have a cover for it but no matter what I do, the wind takes the cover off. 

Today we go up to the churches and run the bulletins for Sunday. Maybe we’ll grab some lunch somewhere. It depends on when we go I reckon. 

I have gabbed on enough tis morning. Time to be productive. Have a blessed day. Peace.

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