Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 Aaah Tuesday! Welcome to our week. You are looking fine this morning with all of your sunshine lighting up the world so nicely. Ya’ could have come in a little warmer than 28 but I’m told you are going to move on up to maybe 50 degrees this morning. I hope you do and maybe more of this ice will melt off of my driveway. 

And good morning to the rest of the world. It is a beautiful morning. The sky is clear and blue and the ice has melted off of the trees. And —- the good news is that Ms. Kate saw a Bluebird first thing this morning. That is maybe a sign that Spring is at least not too far off. It also means that I need to get out there and fill my feeders today. Everything is empty. The starlings have made sure there isn’t a bit of anything left. But —- they have not found this one feeder that I have out front in the azealia bush. It is tucked in just enough and out of the pattern of travel of most of the birds. But — the wrens and the cardinals know where it is and they are my steady customers at that one. Anyway, I reckon I’ll throw on my coat and boots after while and go fill everything. It’s really still too chilly to sit out in the sun porch and watch my critters but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be fed. I did clean the electric bird bath yesterday and it is the popular spot in the neighborhood. Saturday, in the middle of the snow and ice and sleet, the starlings and blackbirds were sitting in the birdbath having a wonderful time taking their bath. I don’t know how the water didn’t freeze to their wings when they got out, but they didn’t seem to be bothered. It’s just as the song says; “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. 

I got out yesterday and did some parishioner visitation like I had planned. I enjoy doing that and I think my parishioners enjoy having me drop by. I never stay long; generally about 30-45 minutes, but we talk about stuff and and we pray together, and share the love of God with one another. Then, yesterday evening, I started on upcoming worship services. I can’t believe I’m already working on my Ash Wednesday service. March 2nd is Ash Wednesday. We will do the annual Ash Wednesday Combined service. We always do those at St. Paul’s and then we do the Maundy Thursday service at St. Lucas. For Ash Wednesday we do Holy Communion and the imposition off ashes. That service is one of my favorites. The strange thing about that is that I don’t remember us ever doing the imposition of ashes when I was a kid. I remember the Catholic kids getting on the bus with the ash cross on their forehead but it wasn’t a thing practiced by any of our local Protestant churches that I know of. 

I hope you have a wonderful week. Peace. 

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