Monday, February 21, 2022

 Good morning and a Happy Monday to you. God has brought us through another weekend and now has opened up a another week before us. What shall we make of it do you think? Got any big plans for the week? Actually, I’m trying to make some plans for the upcoming Saturday but I just don’t know what yet. Ms. Kate and I will celebrate our 56th Wedding anniversary on the 26th and we should do something special, don’t you think?? I’ve been checking out some restaurants on line we could go to but so far noting really peaks my interest and I haven’t mentioned it to her yet. But, after 56 years, I know what she is going to say; “I don’t know, —- we’ll see”. Then I’m left to wonder some more. 

Did you have a good weekend? Did you take time to go to your house of worship and give God thanks? I think it’s important that we do that. Our services were well attended yesterday at both churches. We have a new sound system at St. Paul’s that I used for the first time yesterday. It really works well. We’ve been needing one for a long time. I think the old one was at least thirty years old and has had “band-aid fixes” for the last 15 years that I have been there. The sanctuary isn’t all that large but the ceiling is really high and sound gets lost. And, let’s admit it, as I get older, my voice gets weaker; so it was time for a new system. 

I think we now have all of the documents that we need to do our taxes. I hate doing taxes with a passion. We do ours on-line through Turbo Tax and it always takes us about six hours and a lot of frustration. I know we could go to a professional and have them done but that would cost us about $500.00. Going through Turbo Tax still costs a couple of hundred dollars and a lot of time. The thing that drives our price up is that we have to pay taxes in IL for the farm rent income. 

Gotta drop off, and take Ms. kate for her blood work. have a blessed day. Peace 

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