Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Thursday morning, February 25th; wow the month is going fast isn’t it? I hope your morning has started off with you feeling well and blessed. I certainly do. The sun is shining, I have visitors at the Backyard Buffet, mostly starlings up still visitors. The other smaller and more noxious birds try to get in for a bite or two but the starlings run them off. But they run each other off too. They are some nasty, selfish greedy dudes. I haven’t had a lot of other guests yet this morning, just an occasional sparrow and a junko or two. I have one squirrel at the feeder across the yard. But the rest of the gang will be along before too long. 

We had a good day yesterday. We went to R’z, our nice restaurant up in Ft. Branch. We have not been there since November. In fact, we came down with COVID symptoms the day after our last visit. I don’t think it had anything to do with going there because we had used all of the safety precautions and so had they. I just think it was a coincidence that the symptoms manifested themselves after that visit. So, it was nice to go back. The really good thing is that people know that we like that particular restaurant and we have several gift cards to there. So, yesterday our lunch was compliments of one of our friends. 

After we finished lunch, wee went to the churches and we ran the bulletins for the week. Tat doesn’t take near as long as it used to. First of all, we aren’t running near as many, and I think I’m going to cut down of what we do print. Since we have the screens at St. Lucas, hardly anyone uses a bulletin because everything is on screen, including the music. We don’t have any of that technology at St. Paul’s so I have to make bulletins for them. Speaking of our system at St. Lucas, we have finally put the order in for the new camera. I’m looking forward to when the system is finally installed and done. I think it is going to greatly enhance our ability to broadcast our services. 

Tomorrow is a special day around our house. It is our 55th, wedding anniversary. We’ve come a long way haven’t we. We don’t have a big anything planned, but we are going out to lunch at St. Joe Inn with our friends for “schrooms and beer” and good company and conversation. It is really hard to think that Ms. Kate and I have been married for 55 years. But, one day leads into another and another and the next thing you know, you’ve gone from innocent and wide eyed youngsters ready to take on the world to senior citizens sitting in your recliners and not in a hurry to take on anything. And, we aren’t ready to quit any time soon, although days left are a lot fewer than days spent. We are just glad to have one another to hold on to and snuggle up to at night. So many people never get that chance. So I give God praise for this very special blessing and opportunity. 

That’s enough for today. I need to go to the optometrist today and order new glasses. I told you I lost one lens out of my glasses and still have not found it. That was I think the third time that I had that lens fall out so obviously the frame isn’t a very good one. An, I want to take Ms. Kate to get a new IPhone. That means there are chores to be done. 

Enjoy your day. Think happy thoughts and take time to give God praise. Peace. 

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