Monday, February 22, 2021

 Good morning and happy new week! It is a happy new week because it is all the way up to 38 degrees already this morning. That is fantastic. They snow and ice are melting. We had a little rain last night that helped that along. Today it is supposed to get into the mid 40’s and tomorrow it is to get into the midd 50’s. Is it possible that the weather haas turned a corner?? Well, I won’t count old man Winter out just yet. I’ve see it snow on Easter and that is still another few weeks away. Easter will fall on April 4th this year and that is I think, 41 days from now. Anything can happen although we are officially in the last third of the winter season, which changes to Spring on March 21st. But, let’s just give God praise for a “warmer” day today and be satisfied. 

Church services went well yesterday and it was so very good to be back in the pulpit. This is the first Sunday that I have been there. The 7th of February I had a terrible cold. The 14th and 17th we got iced and snowed out so it was wonderful to be together once again, —- and we have decided to start singing in our services again. It was wonderful to hear the voices of the congregation blend together once again. Attendance was fairly good at each church. I know some people didn’t come simply because they were concerned about walking or slipping in the parking lots, but the fellows had cleared off the lot pretty well, and the sidewalks were totally clear. 

Today, my oldest daughter, Julie and her hubby Jim celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. That seems almost impossible to believe. But then, Ms. Kate and I celebrate our 55th anniversary this coming Friday. But when I look back on those two kids at the time they got married, I can’t think of any two kids that were less prepared for married life. They were broke, they were reckless, they lived for awhile in his parents basement and then for awhile in our basement. They gave us two weeks notice that they were getting married in the middle of a Massachusetts snow and ice storm. But, they were in “lust and in love”. And for all of the things that I considered to be their “faults”; —— I’ve got to say that Jim loved Julie deeply and with all of his heart. He would have done anything in the world for her then, — and he still would today. And Julie, being the independent kid she was, and still is; was going to prove to the world that they were right for each other; —- and it appears that she was exactly right. I love them dearly and they bring so much joy to all of our lives. I pray they will always be happy together. 

Today I’m going to head to the basement and my office and spend the day writing. I’m having to change somethings about next Sunday’s sermon and bulletin and then I need to get started on my March 7th sermon. I’ve put the service together but I need to  write the sermon. It’s a good day to do that. 

So, I guess I will sign off and get busy. Maybe I’ll toast a couple pieces of the home made bread first for breakfast and then get ready. In the mean time, I pray you will have a fully blessed week. Be careful and be safe. If you haven’t gotten your COVID shot yet and are eligible, please do so. I send you God’s peace. 

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