Monday, February 8, 2021

 Twenty four degrees with a breeze! That will make you pucker up, won’t it? But the sun is shining again so there is that. Most of the snow has melted off of my vehicles although I won’t be driving them until tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to take the Prius to the dealership for my 15,000 mile servicing. Thank goodness it is still free. Then Wednesday Ms. Kate and I go to get our second COVID Immunization Vaccine injection. 

Welcome to Monday and a brand new week of challenges and opportunities to do something good for someone. Start your week off with a prayer of gratitude for being alive. I’ll be glad to have that over and done with. The best news I have heard is that effective the 15th of February, (a week from today) Indiana intends to reduce the social distancing to three feet instead of six. The infection rate is dropping somewhat as people are getting their vaccines. As I told Ms. Kate, the next thing you know, we’ll be able to actually touch one another. Can you remember what it is like to shake hands with acquaintances or give one another hugs? That is what has been so different and unusual at church. Both of my churches are “touchy-freely” churches. We like to shake hands and we like to hug. My St. Lucas Council President asked if we could open up all of the seats now and I told him to wait until after the 15th. We have played by all of the rules to date so let’s not make a mistake at this point. 

I sure missed not being able to do my job yesterday and conduct my services. But, my coughing and runny nose was just miserable. I’m doing so much better today, the Mucenex is doing what it is supposed to do and is drying up all of the crud. I also had some Sudafed here and took a couple of those. I used to rely on Sudafed or Actifed when I would get a cold. But, the Actifed made me drowsy so I quit using that. Then the government made it so that you had to get it from the pharmacist because druggies were using it to make illegal drugs. I haven’t bought any for a couple of years so I don’t know if it still that way or not. But, I still have plenty. And hopefully I won’t get another cold any time soon. 

Did you watch the Super Bowl? I actually did. It was the first sporting event I have watched in maybe three years. But, I wanted to watch it to see of Quarterback Tom Brady would win his seventh Super Bowl ring and he did it with style. The young QB that he was up against is a good guy too but he got shut down hard yesterday. He will be a QB to watch in the future. I think he actually won last year’s Super Bowl. 

That’s it for today. Stay safe, stay warm, and stay in touch with God. Peace. 

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