Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday afternoon and I just had my nap in the sun porch. Ms. Kate took hers in the family room because she thought it was a bit cool out here. It is seventy three outside but it is also cloudy. We had rain and storms predicted for all da day but so far we have been spared anything at all. That is fine by me.

Yesterday we went to the church for Bible study and then my morning staff meeting. After that we went to lunch. We didn’t do much in the afternoon and about seven pm I decided that I wanted a DQ blizzard and I also decided that it was time I tried to go on y own. My truck has been sitting out there on the street since before my accident so I decided to walk down to it and take it for a change. I grabbed a cane and went to the truck only to find out tat the battery was dead as it could be. So, I had to hobble back up to the house and I took Ms. Kate’s car.

This morning I had to go to Physical Therapy so Ms. Kate and I did that. Then we went by the bank and picked up some money to take on our vacation. In the meantime, Dan called me and asked if I wanted him to go out and jump my truck battery and let it run for awhile. I told him yes and when we got home, he was sitting there with it running. I got in it and he and I went to Raben’s and got a new battery for the truck. $162.00 later I was on the road. I can’t complain. The truck is eleven years old and that is the original battery in it. I only have 42K miles on the truck and it should last me for many years yet.

Today I had a brand new “ta-da”. I took my first shower totally standing up. That might not sound like a biggie to ya’ but to me it is major. My therapy is going well and  I do most of my walking around the house anyway, without even a cane. Tonight, I intend to go down stairs and watch my new television for the first time.

That’s it. Oh, and yesterday-we filled a bunch of the birdfeeders. My birds are happy with me once again. Life is getting back to normal. God is good!!! Peace.

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