Monday, September 18, 2017

Good morning! What say we start a whole brand new week? We were having that discussion yesterday in Sunday school as to when the Sabbath really is and when does a new week begin. It was an interesting discussion.

It has been raining this morning and most likely will again today at some point although at the moment the sun has made its way through the clouds. The backyard buffet is busy this morning although I see they have emptied at least one of the sunflower feeders. There are a couple of starlings out there that spend as much time pecking at one another as they do at the food. They are just nasty and temperamental creatures. One of the hummingbirds was at the door this morning trying to get food from the silicone adhesives that Ms. Kate has on the inside of the glass. They look like flowers and she put them there so the birds might se them and not crash into the glass pane and knock themselves silly. They don't seem to help much because there is always some bird hitting the glass. So far none have died from it.

I was trying to figure out what took up my time on Saturday that caused me not to write my blog, and I finally emembered that we went to Mt. Vernon, IL on Saturday to a craft fair. It wasn't the usual home made stuff  but rather stuff made by artisans and mostly very expensive. There was a lot of nice  artsy stuff and Ms. Kate bought a couple of things. As for me, --- I bought a hot apple dumpling with ice cream on it so I was satisfied. That is about as artsy as I get.

We have several things around here to do this week, not the least of which is to finalize our plans and pack our bags for our vacation. Today is laundry day and Ms. Kate has to go have her bloodwork done. Tomorrow we have dental exams and cleaning and sometime this week I need to get a haircut. It is all just stuff that we need to do.

I went to the movie last night all by my lonesome. I wanted to see the new Stephen King movie called "It". It was actually a remake of the movie but it was done very well. I read the novel many years ago and of all of his books, I think it is the scariest of all of them.

The leaves are falling from the trees at a faster pace now. I try to keep up with them but I know that by the time we come home from our vacation, I'm going to have a lot of raking to do. But that is the way God put it all together so we'll just enjoy it. In the meantime, I'm sitting here with the last piece of apple pie in front of me and it is disappearing rapidly. We'll be making another one today though so all is good. Here's hoping you have a blessed day and a blessed week. Never stop believing that God loves you and is always there to help you no matter what your situation or circumstance. Peace.

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