Thursday, March 23, 2017

The robin was here early this morning for a bath. I think it splashed about a third of the water out of the bird bath and then it sat there and preened and tweaked its feathers and fanned itself for at least five full minutes as it dried out. I thought for sure it was going to jump back in the bird bath again because sometimes they will do that. The rest of the Backyard Buffet and Spa is doing well too. I have a lot of guests once again. Just the regular crowd basically. The cardinals are here and I know they will be in the bird bath soon too. And I have several additional junkos this morning. Perhaps they are migrating through. And of course, the starling gang is here. Those guys don't miss a free meal. The best thing about them is that they aren't afraid to move the squirrels out of the way. But they spend more time fighting and pecking at one another than they do eating. And speaking of fighting, the cardinals are acting awfully sassy this morning too.

Good Thursday morning to you. It is sprinkling right now which is a good thing. I hope it doesn't last too long but I need it to just get the grass good and wet and then I can go out and spread my fertilizer/weed preventer on the wet grass. Then --- it can rain again. You notice how I want my weather on my terms there don't you. But that is what the directions on the package call for so I'm waiting.

I see Ms. Margaret's flowering crab apple tree is starting to bloom pretty good. The problem is that the blooms are so light in color and every thing else in that direction id just kind of a "blah" grey/brown that is is hard to really se the blooms especially on a cloudy day like today. But that tree has really grown in the sixteen years that we have lived here. Of course, so have all of the other trees. My two tulip poplar trees have grown at least twenty feet since we moved here.

We had a good cantata rehearsal last night. I think we had a dozen people there and pretty well nailed down at least two of the songs. We have been through all of the songs individually several times now and in my opinion, it is time to start working our way through the cantata as a whole. But --- I'm not in charge and am just glad to be allowed to sing in it this year. It is only with the blessings of the new pastor that we are allowed to go up and be a part of it. Thank goodness that he is more open minded than the local church association or the denomination. According to them, I shouldn't even speak to anybody from the two congregations for two years so it doesn't interfere with the ministry of the current pastor. What a crock.

Mr. Bluebird has become a regular visitor these days and I really hope it stays. I moved the bluebird house yesterday to a more secure location and took it off of the tree it was attached to. I was tired of the squirrels using it as a park bench. I knew that as long as that squirrel kept getting on it, no bird would use it.

I guess I need to close up for today and get on about my business. The good news is that I smell sausage cooking in the kitchen which can only mean Ms. Kate is fixing breakfast. As I go, I offer up prayers for you, herever you may be or who ever you may be. God has blessed each and everyone with another day to do God's marvelous work and I pray I do something today that will give God glory. I look through these two walls of windows and admire what God has provided for us to take care of and work with and I'm humbled to be allowed to be entrusted with the care of God's handiwork. Take a few moments today and give God praise. As we work our way through the Lenten season, remember the sacrifice that we celebrate; the physical life of the very Son of God.

Have a blessed day.

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