Saturday, April 4, 2015

And a happy Saturday morning to you. I've missed sitting down to do my blog with you. My normally mundane world is a bit slanted right now and filled with concern. This past Wednesday evening my mother had a stroke and is in the hospital. The prognosis for recovery is extremely small and at this point she is only receiving "comfort care". At 97 years old, these things are usually fatal.

But, --- at any rate, my time to sit and blog has been restricted and my mind has been a bit be-fuzzeled. I've taken my Nook with me to the hospital but with folks going in and out etc, there wasn't much quiet time. I had a surgeon on my staff at my last military assignment that told me if you want to get rest, stay out of the hospital. I did get half of my Stephen King novel read that first night while sitting in the emergency room.

So this morning, I'm sitting here with one of Julie's dogs on my lap and enjoying a cup of coffee before I get cleaned up and head back down to the hospital. The sun is shining brightly but it is only 38° outside. The terrible rains dropped anywhere from four to nine inches in the tri-state area. Roads are flooded, and the area where Julie lives is even worse. I just read that there is another water rescue going on up in the next county where someone drove into the water over the road. People just over estimate themselves and their vehicles and seem to think the laws of nature couldn't possibly apply to them. How often do they have to be told; "Turn around and don't drown."  I hope they send them a bill.

From the looks of it, I have a few feeders to fill some time today several of the sunflower seed feeders are empty and so are the bark butter feeders. There are a lot of birds singing this morning as they celebrate a bright day. Tomorrow is Easter and I'm so glad it is to be a beautiful day. Easter sunrise servces should be accompanied by a beautiful sunrise. Children should be able to do their egg hunting ourside and not in the house, and certainly not in the snow.

As I sit here and contemplate what's going on in our lives at the moment, I still must give God thanks for the blessings in my life. The imminent passing of my mother only deepens my gratitude to God for the sacrifice Jesus paid to insure us an eternal life. Our bodies are fragile containers for our soul for a limited period of time. Our souls though last throughout eternity. We need to take care of those souls and keep them connected to their creator. So, take some time today and count your blessings and give God praise. Then tomorrow celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as he unlocks the gates to eternity.

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