Wednesday, January 21, 2015

There should be a camel walking through my yard any minute yelling, "Hump-Day!" It is Wednesday after all. For the Monday through Friday work force the week is now about half over. I heard one time that if you buy a factory-made product, whether it be a refrigerator or a car, you want one that was made on Wednesday because that is the day of highest productivity. What you don't want is a product that was made on either Friday or Monday because the workers minds are either on starting the weekend or recovering from the weekend. Those two days are also the two days of highest absenteeism which means someone else is picking up their slack. I have no idea if any of that is true, but it does carry a good amount of logic.

God has presented us with yet another "un-January" like day. Blue skies and a high of 53° is the prediction. However, the weather guys say to enjoy it because rain and even snow are on the way and we do still have six weeks of winter to get through. My little John Deere still sits waiting at the front of the garage with the snow blade on.  So far, knock on wood, we haven't had to use it. We've only had about two and a half inches of snow this winter and two inches of that occured in November. I have to admit that I do love getting out there with the blade and moving snow around.

It looks like most of my smaller feeders are empty again this morning so I need to take care of that today. I had to clean out the bird bath again this morning and refill that. The starlings and the robins get there and they do leave a "bath tub ring" of feathers and poop. While it don't appear to bother any of the other birds, it bothers me to think of coming in behind them for a drink. Gross!

I got most of my February 1st sermon done yesterday and a good start on the February newsletter. Today I need to go to the churches and take care of the administrative stuff and we have choir practice tonight. Last night I watched a movie called "God's not Dead". It is a good movie and I was evaluating it for use as part of the Ash Wednesday service. But, it really is too long for a worship service and too long to be watching it while sitting on church pews. Perhaps we can do a movie night some time during Lent and have a discussion adterwards. But, I guess I'll have to come up with something else for Ash Wednesday.

God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good. That is the thought that I will carry with me today as I work my way through this wonderful day. I hope you will feel the same and will take time to appreciate the goodness that is in your life. Even if your day seems to really suck, and you may be having some sort of fear or crisis in your life, God is there to hold your hand and the Holy Spirit will walk with you every step of the way. We are never alone. To me, that is the most comforting thought in the world. Have a blessed day.

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