Wednesday, February 1, 2023

 O happy day!! I can’t believe a highway truck just went down our street clearing ice and spreading some sand. And the ice is melting off of my driveway. The prison chains are coming off. 

It is so good to see the sun shining today. It is so good to see that thick glaze of ice melting off of my driveway. I was listening to the news awhile ago and there have been several deaths recorded due to the countless number of vehicle accidents across the nation with this storm. My heart goes out to those families. Dallas / Ft. Worth Texas area is still getting hit hard and is expecting to have as much as an inch of ice on everything. That is horrible and it is city crippling with power grids going out. The USPS in that area has suspended all activities for the foreseeable future because they can’t get anywhere. My grandson Josh works for USPS up in New Hampshire and said that all of their planes are grounded in Memphis Tennessee because they can’t get out. The storm hasn’t hit Josh’s area just yet but it is on the way. This one has certainly been one for the record books. I pray we see some sunny weather for awhile now so the country can thaw out. I went out to my driveway and checked to see how the melting is going and it is doing well. The front sidewalk is clear and the left side of my drive is clear all the way to the street. I have a bag of pet-safe ice melt and spread a lot of that on the rest of the drive so maybe that will help. 

Ms. Kate has been under the weather for the last two days but seems to be better today. It appears to be a 24-36 hour thing with congestion and nausea. Yesterday the only thing she ate was a yogurt and some saltine crackers. But this morning, I fixed a pan of Pillsbury Orange Rolls and she ate a couple of them without any repercussions. So, I pray the “bug” has begun to leave her alone. I just hope she hasn’t shared it with me. I don’t have time in my life for sickness. 

Thanks to the starlings, most of the feeders are almost empty. I have had a flock of maybe twenty out there since all of this storm started. I guess tomorrow afternoon I will get out there and refill everything. It’s too icy to be safe just yet and the last thing I want to do is fall and break a hip or my head. But I have had a really plethora of birds out there for the last two days. I’m glad I got everything filled up before the storm started. 

Time for me to get busy and get a sermon written. I have delayed it long enough. Have a blessed day, stay off of the ice. Peace. 

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