Saturday, February 25, 2023

 A blessed Saturday to you! The coffee is good, the sun is hiding behind the clouds and it is a chilly 42 degrees at the moment. A little bit of sunshine could help with that. 

But it is a good morning because we got our taxes finished yesterday and have gotten notification that they have been accepted at both the federal and state level. This morning I have to physically mail my Illinois return because I’m a non-resident but recited my “cash-rent” check from my property over there. I absolutely loathe doing taxes. Even though we use Turbo Tax to do them, there is always something to frustrate me about it. But, I “beat their goal time” for doing them. They have a goal time of five and a half hours to finish them and I beat that by ninety minutes, albeit not without a few inappropriate phrases. But they are done for another year. And, we got them done two weeks earlier than last year. 

So today we will take a relaxing day for the most part. I have to go to the church and so some stuff but that  won’t take too long and it is peaceful and quiet with no frustration. Then maybe I’ll come home and watch a little tv or take a nap. 

Tomorrow is our 57th wedding anniversary! How wonderful is that? We have grown old together and I am so very grateful to God for that. We’ve had so many adventures and wonderful life experiences together. I can’t imagine having made this trip with anyone else. I pray that God will allow us to continue this journey for a few more years. 

That’s it for today. It is a weekend and tomorrow is the Sabbath. “Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy.” Peace. 

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