Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 February 14th, Valentine’s Day! Cue the wildly over priced candy and roses and cards. It’s a fun tradition I guess but you know it’s also a social experiment in panic and terror for young men and boys. “What if she doesn’t like it?  What if she doesn’t think it is enough? What if it is too much? What if she thinks I’m a nerd?” Pressure, pressure pressure. And you know what —- it doesn’t get any easier for a long time. I wonder if women go trough the same angst??? I don’t know if kids are still allowed to give out valentine cards at school or not. I remember those days where you had to make sure you had a valentine card for every child in the class; boys and girls. So, parents would buy the “variety pack” of 30 or 40 cards and you’d spend time printing your name on them. It was indoctrination into the social mores of the day. The traditions were extended even into the Sunday school classroom where we would makes hearts and cards for our mom and give them to her hoping it would find a place of honor on the refrigerator at least for a few days. 

Eventually, we “grow-up”. What a shame. But we get to the point where we learn that “stuff” isn’t the fabric of love at all. It’s not good for the merchant, but it is great for the world. A gentle touch, a kiss here and there, holding hands, doing for each other become the elegances of love. This morning I fixed Ms. Kate a bagel for breakfast like I frequently do, but today I cut it into the shape of a heart. And her Valentine Day card came from “BlueMountain.com”. We might be old farts but we can still be silly and playful. 

I did my parishioner visitation yesterday. At the moment, I only have one in a nursing home which is a great thing. But he was doing well. He gets a lot of company from the family. In just my short visit, one of his daughters came by to see him and one of his grandchildren came to see him. I am so glad to see that. He’s going to celebrate his 91st birthday this coming weekend and appears to be in good health. I’m convinced that all of the love in the family keeps his spirits up and that affects his over all health. Love does make the world go around. 

I have writing to do today so I’m dropping off. I think I’m going to have to get a new keyboard for my iPad. I’ve had this one for quite awhile and it is starting to double type a lot of letters and I have to go back and make corrections. It aggravating. 

Have a blessed day. Peace. 

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