Friday, May 13, 2022

 Friday the 13th! Do you feel “unlucky” today? Are you superstitious? I didn’t actually think about it until I saw the calendar on my screen so I reckon it’s too late to crawl back in bed and hide. Bring it on!!

You know, —- I’m supposed to be at least “semi-retired” but I don’t seem to have time to get stuff done that I need to do. It has been one of those weeks and next week doesn’t promise to be any better. I’ve been busy trying to get a funeral planned, get a young couple ready for their wedding, write my sermon, develop the worship service, plant some garden, weed a flowerbed, attend a funeral of a friend, keep my yard mowed and trimmed, help Ms. Kate with laundry and make some phone calls to parishioners and do some visitation. I’m my own worst boss and time manager sometimes. So, when I forget to write my blog like I have several times recently, just know my brain is probably in a different room than my body. 

I wish you could all see our flowers we have here at the house. The iris are blooming and we have so many varieties. The peonies are really coming into their own and the azaleas are blooming beautifully as are the poppies, blue bells, clematis, and roses. The place really looks beautiful. It won’t last too much longer though. Pretty soon all of the daffodils will start falling over and will dry out and look ugly for awhile. You don’t cut them off until they are dried out. Then the iris are going to be past it and will have to be pinched back and then cut back. Raising flowerbeds is an awful lot of work but the reward is a few weeks of joy as I walk around my yard. It’s worth every bit of the effort. 

Can you believe the price of gas? I went out a couple of days ago to get gas for my lawnmowers and decided to take my truck because it was getting down to a quarter of a tank. I filled up my can and then filled up the truck —- $80.00. I couldn’t believe it. I have never had to pay that kind of money to fill up my truck. I don’t drive it often so a tank full will last me a long time; but —— just wow!!! Then I went to fill up my Prius and it cost me another $40.00. Thank goodness it get 53 mpg, but I make a lot of trips and thee tank is only I think a ten gallon tank. And I just read this morning that there is going to be a diesel fuel shortage on the east coast for the next few weeks. If you think the supply chain is bad now — just wait. How in the world did this country get into this bad of shape??? I know lots of people blame the president but there is far more going on than just him being an idiot. I have no idea where to even start placing blame and thee fact of the matter is that placing blame doesn’t make things any better. It just makes us angry and gives us someone to “hate”. What I do know is that prayer is a solution\. It won’t bring the price of gas down, but it will give us the patience to deal on a daily basis with the chaos the world is experience in right now. 

Oh well, I have bird feeders to fill and other stuff to do.  Have yourself a great Friday the 13th. Stay away from ladders and black cats!!! Peace. 

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