Friday, May 6, 2022

 Friday, May 6th. I guess I had "failed this week of puns. I didn't say "May the 4th Be with you " on Wednesday in honor of Star Wars, and I didn't have a margarita yesterday or dance the Mexican Hat Dance or even have tacos in honor of Cinco de Mayo. I'm just no fun at all.  

We are still waiting on the doctors and pharmacy and hospitals to press on with getting Ms. Kate some help. She did get her test results back from the doctor's office and they point out a possible thyroid problem, a possible blood clotting problem, and a possible congestive heart failure problem; --- none of which are purely definitive yet until we can get her in for her echocardiogram which will not be until June the 8th. The doctor has ordered a change in her thyroid medicine but because it is a change --- it has to go through the insurance justification process first so we're waiting on an insurance company to decide her health condition. It is all very frustrating. In the mean time she basically can do very little. The real hard part for Kate is that she is going to miss Julie's college graduation because she simply can't do the walking. So, I'm going to go by myself and will leave Kate with her sister Karen for the day and over night. Not that we really think there will be an emergency but she could fall or something and would have no one to help her. ( I wonder if I could rent a wheelchair for a couple of days and I could take her along.)

Julie is coming over this evening and I have asked her if she would bring along her gown and cap so we could get some pictures of her with Kate and Kate could at least see her in it. Julie has worked so hard for so very many years to make this happen, it breaks Kate's heart that she will miss it. 

I did my hospital visitation yesterday with my parishioner that was to have surgery, She came through the surgery successfully and noo the rehabilitation will begin. I don't envy her that at all. I've been through that three times and hope to never have to do it again. 

It's still raining on and off and we are maybe going to have storms this afternoon. I hope not, I  don't want Jules to have to drive over here in a storm. 

That's it for Friday. Have a great weekend. Peace. 

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